[Matplotlib-users] matplotlib (GITHUB) download problem

Adrian Drzazga adrian.drzazga at tespol.com.pl
Thu Nov 25 07:39:25 EST 2021


I have found an error here - the complete Matplotlib documentation cannot be downloaded.
When the ZIP file is about 3 GB the connection is broken, you need to start again.
It repeats. I have tried eight times to download.


Kind regards,


Pozdrawiam | Best regards

[http://bojar.nazwa.pl/tespol/tespol-logo.png]          Adrian Drzazga
Inżynier aplikacyjny | Application engineer

mob.  +48 605 224 449 | tel.  +48 71 783 63 60 | adrian.drzazga at tespol.com.pl <mailto:adrian.drzazga at tespol.com.pl>


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