[Matplotlib-users] Autoscaling after adding patches (and annotations)

Neal Becker ndbecker2 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 10:44:31 EDT 2019

In this code, I add polygons and text annotations.  The result is plotted on 
axes scaled [0..1], not autoscaled to match the data.  If I add e.g., a 
scatterplot of the polygon centers, the result in scaled fine.  What's an 
easy way to get the axes to scale correctly in this example?

for i, center in enumerate(centers):
    circle = mpl.patches.RegularPolygon ((center.real, center.imag), 6, 1, 
fill=False, clip_on=False, linestyle='-', orientation=30*pi/180)
    ax.add_artist (circle)
    ax.annotate (beam_colors[i], xy=(center.real, center.imag), 
textcoords='offset points', xytext=(-3,3))

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