[Matplotlib-users] Plotting logging data with dates

Jerzy Karczmarczuk jerzy.karczmarczuk at unicaen.fr
Thu Mar 21 06:10:54 EDT 2019

Le 21/03/2019 à 01:47, Kipton Moravec explains his situation, including :

> I did not know what to ask for to Google. 

OK, my last attempt to /*try to*/ help you, since it is really a task, 
to help somebody who doesn't know what he wants, concretely... You asked 
in your first post:

> For the plot of the day, probably a vertical line every hour and a 
> label every 3 hours. 
So, I issued a Google query "/matplotlib For the plot of the day, 
probably a vertical line every hour and a label every 3 hours/". Just 
it. More than 600 000 results in 0.75 seconds. Some examples:

/Labeling time series - All this - Dr. Drang/ -- some codes to lookup

/4. Visualization with Matplotlib - Python Data Science Handbook [Book]/ 
-- a really comprehensive chapter with plenty of time labelled graphs

... many others, e.g.

/Python Plotting With Matplotlib (Guide) – Real Python/ -- a series of 
reasonable, even if superficial tutorials on many Python related issues, 
this one includes also some plotting with Pandas.

/Top 50 matplotlib Visualizations - The Master Plots (w/ Full Python 
code)/ -- many, many examples of plots with very different label styles, 
including time-related data. Inspire yourself.

====== etcEtcEtcEtc...

I don't cite the URLs, since you might choose a different question from 
your catalog (or repeat this above) yourself.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

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