[Matplotlib-users] Plot

Partha Sinha pnsinha68 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 12:09:37 EDT 2019

Can the codes be shared?

On Wed, 14 Aug 2019 at 19:30, Bruno Pagani <bruno.pagani at astrophysics.eu>

> I guess adding a call to plt.figure() before each new figure should do it.
> Eventually plt.close() just before that if you want to close figures
> instead of keeping them open (but then you might also just be able to clear
> the current one instead of closing/opening).
> Le 14/08/2019 à 06:47, Partha Sinha a écrit :
> I got the solution as suggested by scott.
> My new problem is:
> Lets say I will generate lets  two pairs of 10 random numbers, say x and y.
> When first pair of x and y is generated, it will be plotted. Again when
> second set of number is generated, it will appear on the same graph and not
> on 2nd graph.
> This will continue till 10th pair.
> How to do this?
> Regards
> Parth
> On 3 Aug 2019 1:17 pm, "Scott Lasley" <selasley at icloud.com> wrote:
> This should do what you want.   It works in a jupyter notebook but not in
> jupyterlab.  It also works as a standalone python script if you comment out
> the %matplotlib notebook line.
> Best regards,
> Scott
> # based on
> https://matplotlib.org/gallery/animation/animate_decay.html#sphx-glr-gallery-animation-animate-decay-py
> # but uses a zip iterator for the frames variable in FuncAnimation instead
> of the data_gen generator function
> # used in the example
> # comment out this line if you are not running this in a jupyter notebook
> %matplotlib notebook
> # %matplotlib nbagg
> import numpy as np
> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
> from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
> def init_plot():
>     # if you know the data ranges you can set fixed
>     # xlim and ylim limits here, otherwise uncomment
>     # the ax.relim and ax.autoscale_view calls in
>     # draw_pts to rescale the axes based on the
>     # last data point plotted
>     ax.set(xlim=[0, 11], ylim=[0, 120])
>     return []
> def update_pts(data):
>     x.append(data[0])
>     y.append(data[1])
>     pts.set_data(x, y)
> #     ax.relim()
> #     ax.autoscale_view(scaley=True)
>     return [pts]
> # data to plot.  replace with your data values
> xvals = np.arange(1, 11)
> yvals = np.array([1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100])
> # zip xvals[1:] and yvals[1:] since we are plotting
> # xvals[0], yvals[0] at time 0 after we create the figure
> xy_points = zip(xvals[1:], yvals[1:])
> # create x and y lists containing the first point to be plotted.
> # update_pts will append the next x and y values from the iterator
> xy_points
> # to x and y every 5000ms and update the pts being plotted
> x = [xvals[0]]
> y = [yvals[0]]
> # create a figure and plot the first x, y point at time 0
> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
> pts = ax.plot(x, y, 'o')[0]
> # loop through the remaining points and update the plot every
> # 5000ms
> anim = FuncAnimation(fig=fig,
>                     func=update_pts,
>                     frames=xy_points,
>                     init_func=init_plot,
>                     interval=5000,
>                     blit=False,
>                     repeat=False)
> plt.show()
> > On Aug 3, 2019, at 1:04 AM, Partha Sinha <pnsinha68 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I want to plot a list of 10 numbers. I want to plot each point after 5
> secs (first point in o sec and 2nd point after 5 sec anf so on) and want to
> plot them in same graph.
> > How to do?
> > Regards
> > Parth
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