[Matplotlib-users] Legend labels and placement ignored?

vincent.adrien at gmail.com vincent.adrien at gmail.com
Fri Feb 23 17:50:04 EST 2018

Yes, my guess is that it was using the signature `legend(labels, 
*kwargs)`, where `loc` is expected as a *keyword* (not a positional) 
argument. Thus the string was taken as the list of the desired labels 
and `loc` was defaulting to "best".


On 02/23/2018 01:57 PM, Akkana Peck wrote:
> That's it! Adding loc= fixes the problem. Many thanks!
> So I guess the u, p and p were coming from iterating over the string
> "upper left". How funny! (Funny now that it's solved, anyway. :-)
>          ...Akkana
> vincent.adrien at gmail.com writes:
>> Hi Akkana,
>> Just to be sure, did you try with
>> ```
>> ax1.legend(loc="upper left")  # instead of ax1.legend("upper left")
>> ```
>> Best,
>> Adrien
>> On 02/23/2018 01:01 PM, Akkana Peck wrote:
>>> Hi -- I'm having a problem with the legend on one of two subplots.
>>> For each curve plotted on each subplot, I set label="something",
>>> and then I set subplot.legend(position). This works for ax2, but
>>> for ax1 it's ignored.
>>> I asked on #matplotlib on Freenode and was advised it looked like
>>> a bug and that I should report it. So I did,
>>> https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/10576
>>> but I thought I'd ask here too, to see if I'm doing something wrong
>>> in the way I specify my legends.
>>> I pared the example program down to this:
>>> =======
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from matplotlib import gridspec
>>> import numpy as np
>>> def plot_planet():
>>>       tde = np.array([-23.029638, -22.953653, -22.871279, -22.782548, -22.687498, -22.586167, -22.478597, -22.364832, -22.244918, -22.118904, -21.986842])
>>>       obliq_ra = [-3.67878, -3.97686, -4.27044, -4.55928, -4.84302, -5.12142, -5.39412, -5.66088, -5.92146, -6.17544, -6.42264]
>>>       eccen_ra = [ 0.40722, 0.27366, 0.14028, 0.0072, -0.12558, -0.25788, -0.3897, -0.52098, -0.6516, -0.78162, -0.91086]
>>>       true_ra = [-3.27156, -3.7032, -4.13016, -4.55208, -4.9686, -5.3793, -5.78382, -6.18186, -6.57306, -6.95706, -7.3335 ]
>>>       fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))   # width, height in inches
>>>       gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[2.5, 1])
>>>       # Plot equations of time:
>>>       ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0])
>>>       ax1.plot(obliq_ra, label="obliquity",    color="lightblue")
>>>       ax1.plot(eccen_ra, label="eccentricity", color="pink")
>>>       ax1.plot(true_ra,  label="Eqn of Time",  color="black")
>>>       ax1.set_title("Equation of Time")
>>>       ax1.legend("upper left")
>>>       # Plot the analemma:
>>>       ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1])
>>>       ax2.plot(obliq_ra, tde, label="obliquity", color="lightblue")
>>>       ax2.plot(eccen_ra, tde, label="eccentricity", color="pink")
>>>       ax2.plot(true_ra,  tde, label="analemma", color="black")
>>>       ax2.set_title("Analemma")
>>>       ax2.legend(loc="upper right")
>>>       plt.show()
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>       plot_planet()
>>> =======
>>> Here's what I see: http://shallowsky.com/tmp/mpl-legend.jpg
>>> Note that the left subplot (ax1) has the legend in the upper right
>>> even though I specified upper left, and that the labels are
>>> mysteriously u, p, and p -- I can't figure out where those labels
>>> are coming from but they're clearly not the ones I specified.
>>> Any idea how I could fix this? Thanks!
>>>           ...Akkana
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