[Matplotlib-users] Finding where an annotation line ends

Adrian Jacobo ajacobo at mail.rockefeller.edu
Wed Oct 4 17:20:33 EDT 2017


  I'm using an annotation for a plot in this way:

ax.annotate("", xy=(x1,y1), xycoords='data',
                             xytext=(x2,y2), textcoords='data',
                             arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-', patchB=None,

Because I'm setting shrinkA to 25 pixels the line doesn't exactly end at 
(x2,y2). Is there an easy way to find out the end point of the line in 
axis coordinates?
An unrelated question, Is there an easy way to use a stump (a circle) as 

Many thanks,

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