[Matplotlib-users] Why is flush_events() taking longer than expected?

David Aldrich David.Aldrich at EMEA.NEC.COM
Tue Jul 25 10:49:37 EDT 2017

Hi Ben

>When you say first and second flush_events(), do you mean the
>first and second iterations, or fig_A and fig_B?

The latter:

    fig_A.canvas.flush_events()     <-- 350ms
    fig_B.canvas.flush_events()     <-- 1ms

These timings repeat on each iteration.

Best regards


From: Benjamin Root [mailto:ben.v.root at gmail.com]
Sent: 25 July 2017 15:46
To: David Aldrich <David.Aldrich at EMEA.NEC.COM>
Cc: matplotlib-users at python.org
Subject: Re: [Matplotlib-users] Why is flush_events() taking longer than expected?

When you say first and second flush_events(), do you mean the first and second iterations, or fig_A and fig_B?
Ben Root

On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 9:33 AM, David Aldrich <David.Aldrich at emea.nec.com<mailto:David.Aldrich at emea.nec.com>> wrote:

I am using Matplotlib 2.0.2 in a Python 3.6 script on Windows 10 to plot data received over a network connection. New data arrives 4 times per second. I need to update two figures fig_A and fig_B, each containing 8 subplots. The hardware is a fast i7 laptop.

My main execution loop is:


while (True):
    updatePlots()                          # Polls socket for data and updates scatter collections


I have timed the code and found that the first flush_events() call in the loop takes 350ms. The second flush_events() call takes <1ms.
350ms seems very long and is restricting the update rate.

Why might flush_events() be taking so long?

(I have not changed the backend from the default, which I believe is TkAgg).

Best regards


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