[Matplotlib-users] Windows7: figure window "not responding"

Thomas Caswell tcaswell at gmail.com
Sat Aug 5 13:35:49 EDT 2017

I do exactly this as well (but on linux)!

The symptoms your are describing sounds like the GUI event loop is not
being spun behind the scenes (see
https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/pull/4779 for some draft text at
explaining how all of that works).  Have you tried doing `%matplotlib` is


On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 12:39 PM Strozzi, David J. <strozzi2 at llnl.gov> wrote:

> This problem has been driving me nuts, posted it elsewhere, so far no
> one's been able to help.  I am running Python 3.6.1 from Anaconda (all
> packages updated to latest and greatest) on Windows 7.  ipython and mpl
> figure windows work fine from a console, or spyder.  The problem is when I
> try running ipython within emacs using elpy.
> To back up, the workflow I'm shooting for is using emacs as my IDE, and
> running python within emacs.  I've done this for many years with the Yorick
> interpreter, and it's quite addictive.  I get the same problem whether I
> use the GNU windows build of emacs, or emacs -nw (terminal, no X) from
> cygwin (ver 25.2 both cases).  elpy seems to be a good Python package for
> emacs, and nominally supports using ipython.
> OK, so - I can use ipython + emacs + elpy.  The only problem is matplotlib
> figures.  When I do figure(), a figure window appears, but is not fully
> rendered (e.g. no buttons), and the window title says "Not responding".  If
> I do a plot(), nothing is plotted.  Playing with ion() and show() doesn't
> help.
> I've posted this on the elpy github, various stackexchange forums, no one
> has had any ideas yet.
> Any help is greatly appreciated!
> Dave
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