[Matplotlib-users] Convex Hull -- Question about Point Size

Lorenzo Isella lorenzo.isella at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 03:47:18 EDT 2016

Dear All,
Thanks to what I found here


I discovered how to plot the convex hull around a set of points
(please have a look at the script pasted at the end of the email).
Everything is almost done,but I have a problem: my "points" are not
really point-like: they are sphere whose radius is 1 and they almost
touch each other.
I do not know how to tune the parameter s so that the radius of the
points is equal to one in the same units in which I measure the
positions of the points themselves.
Any help is appreciated.



import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import scipy as sp
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d as a3

cluster_agglomerate=np.array([[ 0.14513811, -0.18930948, -1.44428171],
       [ 0.88042945,  1.67057596, -1.45742688],
              [-1.66682741, -0.99554261, -1.70267889],
	             [-0.95535694,  2.3159907 , -1.93637881],
		            [ 1.09396798,  1.7987614 , -3.44524095],
			           [-2.63620654,  0.16588691,
              [ 0.19027056,  2.70740725,  0.11479029],
	             [ 2.77638842,  1.70535678, -2.10208878],
		            [-0.09149779, -0.81908733,  2.07425244],
			           [-0.48408772,  0.96793567,
              [ 0.67499278, -2.5386008 ,  1.39914827],
	             [ 1.02571108, -1.60932884, -0.34500693],
		            [ 2.78789155, -1.42050584,  0.59682802],
			           [-0.14688239, -2.36883246,
              [-1.71507089,  0.19184887,  2.68408562],
	             [-1.87886026, -1.58255618,  3.97006406],
		            [ 6.61540229,  1.98324725,  0.82767368],
			           [ 7.46818823,  3.00950487,
              [ 4.80777628,  1.97159273,  1.68344958],
	             [ 6.3548727 ,  2.26459561,  2.92819854],
		            [ 4.70026626,  0.44618044,  0.3866837 ],
			           [ 3.44366671,  1.87939977,
       -0.2203051 ],
              [ 2.92460648,  1.98510457,  2.37510769],
	             [ 5.07053866, -0.10349542, -1.51041234],
		            [ 7.21643437, -1.32050186, -0.70707322],
			           [ 6.93292243,  0.58458074,
       -1.2458508 ],
              [ 7.84238244, -2.97562362, -1.63914669],
	             [ 7.43212373,  0.10620418,  0.68315389],
		            [ 9.59692827, -2.0843759 , -1.26623658],
			           [ 8.34540867, -1.14927294,
              [ 6.57425162, -2.13797392, -2.94804639],
	             [ 6.93340304, -4.4591665 , -0.63578546]])

# see http://bit.ly/1qJlWkP

# Generate random points & convex hull
points =  cluster_agglomerate  # np.random.rand(20,3)
print "points are, ", points
hull = ConvexHull(points)
print "I calculated the convex hull"

ax = a3.Axes3D(pl.figure())
facetCol = [1, 0.0, 0.0]

ax.plot_trisurf(points[:,0], points[:,1], points[:,2],

ax.scatter(points[:,0], points[:,1], points[:,2], s=100)


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