[Matplotlib-devel] Subject: Expressing Interest in Google Season of Docs - Experienced Technical Writer for Matplotlib Gallery Project

Rohit Singh Rathaur rohitrathore.imh55 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 15:04:40 EDT 2023

Dear Google Season of Docs Program Coordinator,

I hope this email finds you well. I am Rohit. I am writing to express my
interest in participating in the Google Season of Docs as a technical
writer for the Matplotlib Gallery Examples Indexing project. With my
background in technical writing and experience contributing to projects
such as CERN HSF and various Julia-based projects, I am confident that I
can make a valuable contribution to this initiative.

I understand the importance of well-organized and accessible documentation,
especially for a library as widely used as Matplotlib. The proposed project
aims to improve the information architecture, usability, and
discoverability of the example gallery, and I am excited about the
opportunity to work on such a significant and impactful project.

My experience in information architecture, usability studies, knowledge
management, and indexing/cataloging, combined with my teaching experience
and familiarity with Matplotlib, makes me well-suited for this project. I
am eager to apply my skills to audit the existing content, propose a
comprehensive tagging scheme, and identify potential improvements for the
example gallery. I would be grateful for the opportunity to contribute to
the Google Season of Docs and work on the Matplotlib Gallery Examples
Indexing project. I am excited to learn more about the application process
and any additional requirements needed for participation.

Thank you for considering my interest in the Google Season of Docs. I am
looking forward to the possibility of collaborating with the Matplotlib
team and contributing to the success of the example gallery project. These
are some of my merged PRs.


Best regards,

Rohit Singh Rathaur
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