[Matplotlib-devel] Statement of Interest - GSOD Technical Writer Application - Vaishnavi Nandakumar

Vaishnavi Nandakumar vaishnavi.nandakumar20 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 2 07:37:50 EDT 2023

Hi Team,

My name is Vaishnavi Nandakumar <https://vaishnavinandakumar.com/> and I’m
interested in applying for the technical writer role at Matplotlib. I
graduated from Vellore Institute of Technology in 2022 and I’ve been
working as a software engineer at Visa in their Bangalore office. During my
time as a student, I was heavily involved in freelancing my skills as an
efficient writer and content creator. These opportunities were a fantastic
way to gain exposure to different fields in tech and expand my skill set
for the same.

Technical Writing Experience



Developed technical content for Transerve Online Stack (TOS), an SaaS
platform that included API documentation and user manuals. Responsibilities
also consisted of creating in-product content for better user experience
along with blogs focused on geospatial analytics and their applications.

Transerve - Documentation Samples



Worked as a summer intern for SeaportAI, an advanced analytics and AI
development company that required research-oriented blogs in the field of
AI and data science.

SeaportAI - Documentation Samples


   Stack Overflow

Helping people solve their technical problems is one thing but conveying
the solution in a way that follows an organized approach that could be
understood by both an expert and a novice alike was another task of its
own. This was perhaps one of the most intimidating goals I’ve had and the
skills I’ve acquired from this process can be purely attributed to the
support and critique I’ve received from the wonderful community within
Stack Overflow.



   Medium Blogs

A personal blog to document the self-learning progress in the technical
subjects that I found interesting.


The technical writing opportunities I’ve had are varied across different
tech stacks and skills. From geospatial analytics to machine learning these
experiences taught me how to adapt to different technologies while
maintaining an efficient learning pace. I took the last year to focus on
settling in and adapting to my first full-time job which is why I wasn’t
actively involved in open source or any other side project development.
However lately, I have started to look out for opportunities in open source
again where I hope to eventually make contributions that have a relevant

I do believe I can make valuable contributions within the scope of this
project and if flexible working hours are allowed, monetary support for my
effort isn't a strong requirement. I have attached my resume for your
review. I'm also available for further discussion and look forward to
hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Vaishnavi Nandakumar
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