[Matplotlib-devel] Major refactor of Axes internals just merged

Thomas Caswell tcaswell at gmail.com
Fri Apr 2 20:00:51 EDT 2021


We just merged a major refactor of how the Axes object stores its children
[1].  Previously the children were stored across several lists by type and
were sorted and merged at draw time (which is the source of the long
standing bug [2]) whereas now there is a single list of children and
back-compatibility shims to access the children by type.

We expect this to be very good thing going forward, however in the short
time we expect that there are going to be some unforeseen consequences due
to this change.  Because of this, we held of on merging this until after we
got 3.4 release so that we have ~6 months of this being on the default
branch before it is released.

If you have any issues please reach out to us!  It is unlikely that we will
revert this change, but we will definitely extend and improve the shims as
needed :)

Thank you to Elliott for getting this work done!


[1] https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/pull/18216
[2] https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/1622

Thomas Caswell
tcaswell at gmail.com
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