[Matplotlib-devel] Internals of smooth plotting in matplotlib

Chris Barker - NOAA Federal chris.barker at noaa.gov
Mon May 6 13:10:32 EDT 2019

Now I want to plot smooth plot using these points. If I just plot
corresponding pixels I might have wholes in the image if I zoom in,

You really don’t want to do that.

so that it is not good. If I just poly line (there is such function in java
Graphics2D object) based on these points I have another problem. I have to
convert each point into onscreen pixel coordinates (I can use floor(..)

I would use round(), but still, drawing in pixel coordinates will result in
somewhat jagged lines.

The way around that is to use “antialiased” drawing. I would be shocked if
there wasn’t a Java lib for that.

Most MPL back-ends use the antigrain library (AGG) which is s particularly
good renderer, but any antialiasing renderer should be pretty good.

You also mention zooming — make sure you zoom before converting to pixel
coords as well.



or rounding to the nearest int when doing it). And that results in jagged
step like line that  you can see here


That does not happen in matplotlib when let say using fig.plot(...)
function. Output is always smooth which is what I want as well. Is there a
particular place in code where I can see how that is done?

Dmitri Priimak

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