[Matplotlib-devel] Pull requests for table.py

swfiua at gmail.com swfiua at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 17:34:43 EDT 2019

So,  thinking cap on...

This separate mpltable package does have some distinct advantages in terms
of making any switch, for everyone I think.

When you are ready to switch make mpltable a dependency and import from

Or use it interactively, just import the mpltable.table then I think it is
just axes.add_table(table) you have to use.

The problem (?) with tables is everyone has an opinion how they should
look, so things can get out of control, quickly.  Exporting that into a
side discussion is a good idea.

Which is part of the problem with the current flurry of changes: there are
a lot of variants and options to consider.   It would be very helpful to
have the freedom to worry less about whose code we break.

It solves another problem, which is where to document some of the history,
which is another sideshoot.

And explain the bits of the code I now think I understand.

That would be an awesome way to go forward.

Thanks for the understanding.


On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 12:04 PM Thomas Caswell <tcaswell at gmail.com> wrote:

> John,
> I will also add that if you want to got the stand-alone package route we
> can put the repo under the Matplotlib org and give you full control of it.
> Tom
> On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 11:51 AM Antony Lee <antony.lee at institutoptique.fr>
> wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> Thanks for your writeup.  It provides an interesting historical view on
>> one of the oldest parts of the Matplotlib codebase, which is always nice
>> read about.
>> It is great that you intend to work again on table.py (which was mostly
>> abandoned by the other core devs), but I am not sure to what extent the new
>> API you propose has been stabilized, or whether you are still experimenting
>> with it.  There are also other issues with the API design (e.g.
>> https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/12931) that you may,
>> perhaps, want to revisit?
>> As you may have noticed, making backwards incompatible changes to
>> Matplotlib is a bit of an onerous process (due to the deprecation process,
>> the baseline images problem, etc.).  Given that table.py is fairly
>> self-contained, perhaps you may want to consider moving it to its own
>> separate package?  i.e. something published separately on PyPI (let us know
>> if you need any help for that), so that one would do (for example)
>> from mpltable import table
>> table(...)
>> This way you can play with the API in whatever way you want, and we could
>> just point to your package as the "new, more modern" way to make tables
>> with Matplotlib, and possibly import it back to the main repo as a single
>> PR once everything is stabilized.
>> Antony
>> On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 5:01 PM swfiua at gmail.com <swfiua at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I just wanted to provide some background on the recent flurry of fixes
>>> to table.py and the history behind the code.
>>> See attached pdf.
>>> There are 3 main themes to the changes:
>>> * better automatic setting of the font size
>>> * change how horizontal padding around cell text is calculated
>>> * add ability to specify cell edge colours
>>> John
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> --
> Thomas Caswell
> tcaswell at gmail.com
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