[Matplotlib-devel] REL: Matplotlib 3.1.1

Paul Ivanov pi at berkeley.edu
Wed Jul 3 18:19:26 EDT 2019

Hi everyone,

We are happy to announce the release of Matplotlib 3.1.1!

Matplotlib 3.1.1 supports Python 3.6+.

This is mostly a bug-fix release, with one API change involving
Locator.nonsingular return order.
Locator.nonsingular (introduced in matplotlib 3.1.0) now returns a range
v0, v1 with v0 <= v1. This behavior is consistent with the implementation
of nonsingular by the LogLocator and LogitLocator subclasses.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release, including 29 folks and
one robot who worked together to get 120 pull requests in [1], as well as
all the amazing users who reported and raised the issues in the first place.

Also a personal thank you to the matplotlib developers who were patient
with me making my first solo release. I promise I'll be faster the next go
around. :)


1. https://matplotlib.org/users/github_stats.html
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Paul Ivanov
https://pirsquared.org <http://pirsquared.org> | GPG/PGP key id: 0x0F3E28F7
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