[Matplotlib-devel] Documentation

Chris Barker - NOAA Federal chris.barker at noaa.gov
Tue Feb 13 18:20:08 EST 2018

On Feb 13, 2018, at 9:57 AM, Thomas Caswell <tcaswell at gmail.com> wrote:

For the 'brand new to python' users, can we handle that by linking out to
the Scoptaz&Huff[1], VanderPlas [2], or SW carpentry material?

Well, yes — maybe best to not take on too much!


[1] http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920033424.do
[2] http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920034919.do

On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 11:12 AM Chris Barker - NOAA Federal <
chris.barker at noaa.gov> wrote:

> I agree that you can't get very far in Python without it, but it still
> majorly confuses the audiences I work with. Quite literally, the
> demarcation my fellowship makes between the Python 101 and 201 we teach is
> how explicitly we go into using objects. So I think an intro should provide
> at least a soft explanation of methods/objects/etc.
> THIS is maybe the core issue— are we introducing people to matplotlib, or
> to the python language via matplotlib. Indeed, to programming itself?
> Each of these requires a different type of introduction.
> Maybe multiple entry points:
> - Know Basic Python?
> - Know another programming language?
> - New to programming?
> Personally, I think it’s “better” to learn the basics of Python first, and
> then introduce the scipy stack, but the reality is that people have work to
> accomplish, and it’s often best to learn by solving a problem that
> interests you — so we should support that.
>  they're all pyplot,
> The challenge with pyplot is the learning curve — it’s great to able to
> simply start with:
> plot(x, y)
> but that seems to be the preferred intro-and I wonder if it'd be good for
>> matplotlib to have more bridge documentation that doesn't just show how to
>> do things both ways but explains why the OO way is better.
>> Yup. And I don’t think pyplot is any easier for newbies—other than
>> existing Matlab users — admittedly a big group.
> It is and it isn't. While it's technically still OO, I think it ends up
> feeling weirdly declarative just keep layering these things (kinda like
> ggplot), rather than the explicit here's an axis and attach information to
> it. It seems like a super trivial distinction but I think it may be a
> barrier for some people (also why I think a survey could be good here.)
>> I say introduce the OO interface, then have a “matplotlib for Matlab
>> users” section to translate for them.
> I like this approach too.
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