[Matplotlib-devel] Documentation

Hannah story645 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 15:59:58 EST 2018

Sorry for the late reply.

Good points.  I wonder if tagging is better with a search/filter than
> only categorization.  Someone could filter/search for tutorials which
> only use arithmetic and basic python, or grab all tutorials/examples
> that use Axes.xlim, etc.  I guess that's for later though.

Totally agree with you on this, and also wondering if there are ways to tag
the documentation with the type of graph the function is creating when the
name of the function is domain specific but the graph is used a bit more
widely. Specifically thinking about how stackplot is the technical term,
but a lot of people know them as stream graphs. Or imshow and matshow are
used to create heatmaps.

> I don't know a good way to classify python as
> beginner/intermediate/expert. Having taught all those levels, maybe
> you have clear insight into that?

I struggle with it too because it's so relative. What for me is
intermediate Python is beginner to some and expert to others. Object
Oriented seems to be a good demarcation,
but since the suggested way of interacting with mpl is through the OO I
dunno how to reconcile that. I wonder if mpl needs a little "intro to using
objects" type mini/breakaway section. I've been going through the data camp
tutorials and been frustrated that they're all pyplot, but that seems to be
the preferred intro-and I wonder if it'd be good for matplotlib to have
more bridge documentation that doesn't just show how to do things both ways
but explains why the OO way is better. Also a proper simple but object
oriented tutorial might help here.  Ben Root and Nicolas Rougier's
tutorials are in this direction.

Do you have ideas for the survey, how, what etc?  That's a great idea.
> I'd love to get as many profiles as possible up front.

I think something as simple as a google or survey monkey poll, advertised
really heavily on twitter/a pop up banner when people come to the docs/the
user mailing list/etc. might work. Pretty basic self assessment questions:
What's your fluency with Python? How long have you been using Python? How
long have you been using Matplolib? Which interface do you use more often?
pyplot/OO (with links/hover example of each), and sort of whatever else you
feel you'd need for docs.
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