[Matplotlib-devel] Reorganising the test files?

Nelle Varoquaux nelle.varoquaux at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 14:38:55 EST 2017

> I am against moving the test files into the sub-modules.
> It seems like a lot of thrashing (on the down-stream packagers who package
> the main library and tests separately and on peoples brains) for no obvious
> gain.

Actually, it is really a pain that Matplotlib doesn't follow python
standards for any contributors that contributes to any other python
packages. I would suspect that it is also annoying for downstream packages
that Matplotlib does not follow standards.
The reason I brought this up in the first place is because it took me a
couple of minutes to look for a test for cbook.mkdirs function while
reviewing a PR, and had to resort to doing a git grep to convince me it
wasn't tested. If we had followed the standards in the first place, it
would probably have taken me 5seconds.

I have the same feeling for Matplotlib's unstandard  packaging layout.


> Tom
> On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 1:15 PM Nelle Varoquaux <nelle.varoquaux at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Now that the pytest migration is almost over (thanks Elliott!), I was
> wondering if this could be a good opportunity to reorganize the test files
> to follow a "normal" python package structure.
> The recommended python package structure is to place a tests folder in
> each submodule, and the relevant tests files in this folder.
> To take a concrete example, it would for example require moving the tests
> corresponding of matplotlib.sphinx_ext.mathmpl.py  to
> matplotlib/sphinxext/tests/test_mathmpl.py
> This would be a more or less incompatible change in the sense that
> matplotlib.tests seems to be an importable module (it probably shouldn't),
> with about a dozen functions. We could easily make this backward compatible
> in case anyone does use this module anywhere.
> ['__builtins__',
>  '__cached__',
>  '__doc__',
>  '__file__',
>  '__loader__',
>  '__name__',
>  '__package__',
>  '__path__',
>  '__spec__',
>  '_multiprocess_can_split_',
>  'absolute_import',
>  'assert_str_equal',
>  'difflib',
>  'division',
>  'os',
>  'print_function',
>  'setup',
>  'six',
>  'unicode_literals']
> If we go down that route, we need to completely finish the pytest
> migration first.
> Cheers,
> N
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