[Matplotlib-devel] NumFOCUS End-of-Year Fundraising Drive (Matplotlib fiscal sponsor)

Gina Helfrich gina at numfocus.org
Fri Dec 15 12:57:20 EST 2017

Hi folks,

NumFOCUS, the nonprofit that provides fiscal sponsorship for Matplotlib,
kicks off our end of year fundraising drive officially on Monday and would
really appreciate your support!

Andy Terrel, NumFOCUS Board President, has generously put up the first
$5,000 donation as a matching challenge to the community. For every dollar
the community donates, Andy will donate a dollar, up to $5k.

Please spread the word and use this link to donate:

Thanks so much for your support of Matplotlib and NumFOCUS!


Dr. Gina Helfrich
Communications Director, NumFOCUS
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