[Matplotlib-devel] BIDS machine shop & matplotlib

Paul Hobson pmhobson at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 14:15:48 EDT 2016


I think the "needs review" tag is automatically added. I might be wrong

On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 9:32 AM, Nelle Varoquaux <nelle.varoquaux at gmail.com>

> Hello matplotlib-devs !
> As some of you may know, I am involved with Stéfan van der Walt in an
> initiative around Berkeley campus known as the "BIDS Machine Shop". It
> consists of trying to bridge the gap in software development and best
> practises around campus by introducing undergraduates  to research
> software development and open source communities.
> Stéfan and I will manage students on different research projects and
> open source packages, including matplotlib and scikit-image. I'll be
> managing the matplotlib side of the machine shop, and you should see
> (I hope) a bunch of contributions from our students popping up on
> github.
> I am going to create a label "Machine Shop" and a project "Machine
> Shop" for the duration of the semester (maybe longer if this
> experiment is a success). I'll assign "easy fix" tickets to our
> students. I expect them to do peer-review before opening the PRs for
> broader reviews. Please, wait for the tag "need review" to be set on
> those PR before reviewing theme. Once they fixed these issues, I'll
> assign them to more complex tasks.
> If you have questions/suggestions, don't hesitate to chime in.
> Thanks,
> Nelle
> PS: we should have a website up and running soon with more details.
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