[Matplotlib-devel] Any plans to change the defaults in matplotlibrc

Michael Droettboom mdroettboom at continuum.io
Thu Jan 7 15:19:19 EST 2016

The new defaults with 2.0 is to add a fixed amount of visual padding on all
sides. The amount of padding can be controlled with axes.xmargin and

Prior to 2.0, the default behavior was to move to “round numbers”, which is
a lot less predictable.

In either case, the algorithm used to autoscale can be replaced by
replacing the locator. See the ticker docs.


On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 3:46 PM, Isaac Gerg <isaac.gerg at gergltd.com> wrote:

> Is there any way to change the way the autoscale function from rcparams?
> For my plot(x,y)'s there is too much space on the left and right of my line
> plots.
> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Isaac Gerg <isaac.gerg at gergltd.com>
> wrote:
>> I've started work on a test script for matplotlibrc files.
>> Its here: https://github.com/isaacgerg/matplotlibrc
>> Its my plan to continue to update this along with my rc file as I go
>> along my day.
>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 10:57 AM, Isaac Gerg <isaac.gerg at gergltd.com>
>> wrote:
>>> To add, I should also say you could just paste a URL and it downloads
>>> the rc file and shows the plots.  Matplotlib makes this easy!
>>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 10:56 AM, Isaac Gerg <isaac.gerg at gergltd.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for everyone's replies.
>>>> I am still perfecting my rc file but am happy to share what I have so
>>>> far.
>>>> https://github.com/isaacgerg/matplotlibrc
>>>> I did a research project a few years ago on color theory and am
>>>> updating my rc file based on my findings.
>>>> Additionally, it would be really cool to have some kind of webapp
>>>> whereby a user uploads their matplotlibrc file and the server generates a
>>>> set of plots based on it.  I'm happy to take a whack at it if folks want to
>>>> chime in and email me some example plots to render.  I would keep it to
>>>> simple plots to start.
>>>> I am aware of the plotornot "experiment" and also have rolled some of
>>>> those features into my rc file as well (its very based off of Cam
>>>> Davidson's)
>>>> Isaac
>>>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 8:53 AM, Michael Droettboom <
>>>> mdroettboom at continuum.io> wrote:
>>>>> The omnibus PR containing most of the style changes for 2.x is here:
>>>>> https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/pull/5774
>>>>> This isn't everything -- some changes are already in 2.x and master.
>>>>> Others are in separate PRs with 2.0 as a milestone.
>>>>> The new changes are being made against 2.x and are forward-ported to
>>>>> master.
>>>>> Also, to answer Isaac's original suggestion: if you have a
>>>>> matplotlibrc that you think would be useful for others, feel free to submit
>>>>> it as a style.  Since 1.4, we've had a style infrastructure that makes it
>>>>> easy for users to switch styles.  While the default style has to be very
>>>>> carefully designed so as to provide "reasonable behavior for the most
>>>>> common cases", individual styles do not and can be more aggressively
>>>>> different.
>>>>> Mike
>>>>> On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 10:08 PM, OceanWolf <
>>>>> juichenieder-nabb at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>>> Good question... I have gotten a bit out touch with the current state
>>>>>> of things so I defer to others.  As far as I know the current plans at the
>>>>>> moment only include changes to the default colormap to viridis, but others
>>>>>> can get changed as well. feel free to post a link here, or (I guess even
>>>>>> better), make an issue/or PR (changing rcsetup.py) on github, so that we
>>>>>> can take it into consideration for 2.0.
>>>>>> Looking at the state of the branches on github I have gotten a bit
>>>>>> confused with the strategy... now we have 1.5 released and 2.0 marked as a
>>>>>> copy of 1.5.x bar rc changes, I would have assumed the new rc changes would
>>>>>> end up in master and then backported to the v2.x branch, but that doesn't
>>>>>> look like the case... can someone clarify that for me?
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> OceanWolf
>>>>>> On 06/01/16 03:26, Isaac Gerg wrote:
>>>>>> Where is the new rcparams?
>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 9:13 PM, OceanWolf <
>>>>>> juichenieder-nabb at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Isaac,
>>>>>>> As it happens, yes, in the upcoming 2.0 release has the sole purpose
>>>>>>> of changing rcParam defaults, see
>>>>>>> <http://matplotlib.org/style_changes.html>
>>>>>>> http://matplotlib.org/style_changes.html for more information.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> OceanWolf
>>>>>>> On 05/01/16 23:31, Isaac Gerg wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I was wondering if there are any plans to change some of the
>>>>>>> defaults in matplotlibrc.  I have created a matplotlibrc file that I find
>>>>>>> very suitable and wondering if its worth sharing here.
>>>>>>> Isaac
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Michael Droettboom
>>>>> Continuum Analytics

Michael Droettboom
Continuum Analytics
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