[Matplotlib-devel] wxMPL status?

Chris Barker chris.barker at noaa.gov
Thu Feb 25 12:49:07 EST 2016

Matt et al,

WE probably shoudld jsut got to wxmplot -- but in the meantime, I created a
gitHub project for a fork of wxmpl:


I've fixed the immediate mpl import issue, but now there are issues with a
newer wxPython -- at least with the demos. Hopefully I'll get to those
later today.

Carlo, let me know if you want write permissions on that repo -- or want to
set it up yourself somewhere else..


On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 5:44 AM, Matt Newville <newville at cars.uchicago.edu>

> HI Chris,
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 4:53 PM, Chris Barker <chris.barker at noaa.gov>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Carlo Segre <segre at iit.edu> wrote:
>>> If I get some time I hope to add the patches.
>> That would be great -- we should make a gitHub project for it -- would
>> you like to do that, or should I?
>> or...
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 2:23 PM, Matt Newville <newville at cars.uchicago.edu
>> > wrote:
>>> Development (https://github.com/newville/wxmplot) isn't fast, but it is
>>> not dead either.
>>> My recollection was that there was a lot of overlap in functionality,
>>> between wxmplot and wxmpl.
>>>  What uses of wxmpl would need to be ported and/or translated (or some
>>> combination) to wxmplot to fit your needs?
>> Boy, I have no idea! Back in teh day, I decided that wxMPL fit my needs a
>> bit better, but I can't recall why...IT is lighter weight, but I don't know
>> that the extra weight is a problem at all...
>> So our next step is going to be to take a look at wxmplot, and if it fits
>> the use case at hand, great! if not I guess we'll figure out if it's easier
>> to patch wxmplot of wxmpl to work for us.
>> Stay tuned...
> OK.  I think a transition from wxmpl to wxmplot might not be hard.  If
> there is anything that's missing in wxmplot that would make that transition
> easier, let's add it.
>> But: I also have to say that the lack of wxPython (and matplotib+wx
>>> backend) for Python3 is a major concern.  If matplotlib's wx backend
>>> supported Phoenix, I'd be more inclined to work on this.  As it is, there
>>> is not much evidence that investing significant time in wxPython-based
>>> libraries is a good use of time.
>> Any idea what it would take for MPL to support Phoenix? Honestly, I
>> haven't given Phoenix a real try at all yet. I"ve got a handful of small
>> apps (and one biggish one) that are wx based, but not in active enough
>> development to want to deal with porting to py2 or Phoenix...
>> So, while I'm sympathetic and willing to help some, I'm more concerned
>>> about the very sad state of wxPython.
>> yeah -- the irony is that Robin has been working on PySide for the last
>> while....
>> but while slow, wxPython still seems to have a good community, and
>> Phoenix does appear to be pretty close to operational....IT jsut needs some
>> prodding along, I suppose.
> Actually, Benjamin Root is correct, and I should correct my earlier
> remarks.
> Using matplotlib 1.5.1 and wxPython Phoenix 3.0.3.dev1839+4ecd949 works
> well, and I've verified that almost all of the wxmplot examples work
> without any modification at all.    I've only tested with Python 2.7
> (Python 2.7.11 from Anaconda 2.4.1 on Mac OS X to be precise).    There are
> a lot of differences between Phoenix and Classic, so wxmplot will need some
> small modifications and version-checking code for everything to work.
> There will no doubt be changes need for Python3, but I suspect not too
> many.
> This is really, really good news!  Thanks very much matplotlib-dev team!
> For my part, we are doing a lot more with Web apps, which I why I've had
>> little time for wx lately....
> Yeah, that definitely has appeal.  For most of the data collection,
> visualization, and analysis applications I support, web interfaces just
> don't give as intimate and immediate an experience as a desktop GUI.  Both
> are needed.
> --Matt


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
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