[Matplotlib-devel] matplotlib limitations and design flaws

Benjamin Root ben.v.root at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 10:09:10 EST 2016

If I feel the need to have a block comment, I have learned that that
usually means:
1) My logic is too complicated and needs to be cleaned up or broken up into
smaller chuncks
2) That the comment might be better as a docstring

And if I need to temporarily "comment out" a chunk of code, triple quoting
works great.

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 2:29 AM, Eric Firing <efiring at hawaii.edu> wrote:

> On 2016/02/09 8:22 PM, Phillip Feldman wrote:
>> Dear matplotlib developers (and users):
>> I've expanded my web page "Python Limitations and Design Flaws" to
>> include a good-size section on matplotlib (item number 3).  The URL is
>> as follows:
>> http://phillipmfeldman.org/Python/Python_Limitations.html
>> All feedback other than flames is welcome!
> Regarding the polar plot, you are correct that there is an odd situation
> where angles are input in radians and labeled in degrees, but I think your
> description is incorrect.  The inconsistency is entirely with the azimuth.
> The radial labels are labeling the radial coordinate, which has whatever
> dimensions are appropriate for the data at hand, unlike the azimuth, which
> is dimensionless.  The radial coordinate is correctly labeled with the
> numbers you supplied.
> Regarding the figure margin default: first, this presently applies only to
> the figure on screen, not to figures written to a file; and second, as soon
> as we get 2.0 out, the default will be for the margin to be white in both
> cases.
> Regarding the "Plot titles are by default jammed against...", I don't
> think this is true for the full set of defaults, so I don't know what is
> leading you to this conclusion; but a genuine weakness is that we lack a
> layout engine, so tweaking of the sort you suggest is indeed needed all too
> often.
> Regarding the positional arguments to contour and contourf: yes, this is
> an unfortunate result of the initial design of the pylab interface to be
> close to Matlab, so as to make it easy for Matlab users to switch.
> Regarding your first point, "lack of uniformity among the interfaces": I
> think all of the developers would agree that this is a problem.  It arose
> from matplotlib's organic growth, and we are gradually trying to address it.
> Regarding your very first point, "Block Comments", I agree that it would
> be nice to be able to use C-style /* and */, for example, but I find the
> lack to be a very minor point.  My workaround is to indent the block and
> insert the line "if False:" above it.
> Eric
>> Phillip
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