[Matplotlib-devel] supported python versions

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Mon Sep 14 22:17:23 CEST 2015

It seems like a good idea in general to me, but doesn't it kinda undermine
the "2.0 is style changes only" idea/messaging? I assume the maintenance
burden of supporting the old versions in 2.0 won't be large compared to 1.5
given this... Maybe 2.1 (or 1.5!) would be a better place to draw the line?
On Sep 14, 2015 12:49 PM, "Thomas Caswell" <tcaswell at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I would like to propose the following for which version of python mpl
> officially supports:
>  - for v1.5 we continue to support 2.6, 2.7, 3.3-3.5
>  - for v2.0 forward we support (2.7, 3.4, 3.5)
> and allow for new, python3 only, features to be developed for mpl2.1
> onward, so long as they do not break any existing functionality in py2.7.
> We already support all of those versions on master, there is no good
> reason to drop 2.6 support right before the RC.  For 2.0 we should drop 2.6
> so that we do not have to maintain a mpl2.0.x py2.6 compatible bug-fix
> branch.
> Regarding dropping 2.6 as a supported version I suggest you read/watch the
> following from Nick Coghlan:
> http://www.curiousefficiency.org/posts/2015/04/stop-supporting-python26.html
> http://www.pyvideo.org/video/3764/contributors-colleagues-clients-customers-su
> We are resource limited and those resources would be better spent
> improving the library and supporting modern version of python.  At some
> point it is unreasonable for people running very old installations of
> python to expect the the newest versions of down-stream tools to work.  If
> this is important to someone, please step up to mange maintaining a 1.5.x
> bug-fix branch which will maintain 2.6 compatibility.
> Dropping 2.6 will also free us to being using OrderedDict and several
> other language features added in 2.7.
> Regarding dropping 3.3, every survey has shown that among the users who
> have adopted py3, a vast majority are using the newest version so
> supporting and testing against the older versions of 3 is not worth the
> effort.
> In all cases, versions of mpl that currently work on legacy versions of
> python will continue to work.
> Thanks to Eric, Mike, and Phil who have this a read over.
> Tom
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