[Matplotlib-devel] v1.5.0rc2

Christoph Gohlke cgohlke at uci.edu
Sun Oct 4 04:48:22 CEST 2015

On 10/2/2015 4:04 PM, Thomas Caswell wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I have tagged v1.5.0rc2 and created a v1.5.x branch on upstream.
> Hopefully the new conda packages will be available on `-c conda-forge`
> within the next day or so.
> Please open any new PRs targetted for 1.5.0 against the v1.5.x branch
> and remember to cherry pick the few open PRs for 1.5.0 back to 1.5.x
> when you merge them (or ping me to do it).
> Feel free to begin merging new features into master again.
> In addition to the normal release notes we should plan to also write
> several blog posts for the numfocus blog.  I think it would be good to
> have a post for at least each of
>    - property cycling
>    - labeled data plotting
>    - auto-redraw
>    - %matplotlib notebook
>    - the new color maps
>    - the style module + new style sheets
> Any volunteers to write those?
> Tom

Forgot to mention: Windows installers, wheels and the HTML help file are 


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