[Mailman3-dev] Re: Can you donate a public subversion repository for Pycon sprints?

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Mar 14 23:23:13 CET 2005

On Mon, 2005-03-14 at 14:44, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> I'm wondering if anybody out there can donate a Subversion repository
> for use at the upcoming Pycon sprint next week (actually, starting
> Saturday).

We have a winner!  John Viega reminds me that we can use list.org! 
Whodah thunk? :)  The machine recently got rebuilt with plenty of disk
space and already has svn on it, so we just need to set up the access
infrastructure.  I should be able to have the repo up before Saturday,
and I will send (read-only) instructions when it's available.  We'll
work out write perms at the sprint.

Thanks everyone who offered to help.  I hope to see you all at Pycon, if
not the sprints.


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