[Mailman3-dev] FYI - GroupServer

Steven Clift slc at publicus.net
Wed Jun 15 00:50:14 CEST 2005

The list owner of the mailman-cabal list suggested that it was best that
I posted this message here.

I'd love to have Mailman developers kick the tires really hard on this
new open source tool and tell me what you think.

Steven Clift

P.S. Here is our install:

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:           	Steven Clift <clift at publicus.net>
To:             	mailman-cabal at python.org

Greetings Mailman team and a few MM3 posters,

As a long time Mailman user 
<http://www.mnforum.org/mailman/listinfo/>, I want to give you the
courtesy of a heads up on GroupServer.  It is a GPL'd Zope-based
e-mail list/web forum online group tool.  It builds in part on
Mailboxer <http://mjablonski.zope.de/MailBoxer>.

Our non-profit <http:://e-democracy.org> helped fund some of the
GroupServer features and we'd like to generate constructive criticism
of this tool.  I don't know how it compares to your plans for MM3, but
the biggest benefit for us as users is the integrated e-mail/web forum
option with native RSS.

Anyway, take a peak:

Our non-profit's take:

It probably has 1/2 of mailman's maillist feature and 1/2 phpbb's web
forum features.  Normally, this would stink, but for once the divide
between e-mail list users and web forum users (who hate the other
medium - but we must bridge for our local community online forums) seems
to be crossed pretty well.

Steven Clift

Steven Clift - http://publicus.net - Reply to: clift at publicus.net
Join DoWire: http://dowire.org
E-Democracy: http://e-democracy.org

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