[Mailman3-dev] list manager control

Ian A B Eiloart iane at sussex.ac.uk
Tue Mar 16 09:37:29 EST 2004

> +1.  List styles.  Yes, yes, yes.  I'm not sure whether styles will be
> hierarchical or flat though.

Hmm, I need to define some list styles for in house use, and put together 
some documentation on how to configure a list to a style. I may even make 
some scripts to convert a list to a particular style.

Is there a list of styles out there that I could get started with? Is there 
any documentation on how best to configure mailman certain types of list?

Actually, I'm not so sure a *list* style is what I need. Here are some 
dimensions that I need to apply styles in:

1. membership policy: un/subscribe options, and bounce processing
    forced: members are synced with some other list, and people can't
        subscribe or unsubscribe through mailman. Bounce processing should
        be off. Admins should be notified of changes made through mailman.
    controlled: list admin must approve requests to join/leave
    local-open: only people with sussex.ac.uk addresses can join.
    wide-open: anyone can join

2. posting policy: sender filters
    local-open: any sussex.ac.uk address can post to the list
    closed: only list members (and other authorised posters) can post
    announce: only authorised posters can post to the list.

3. urgency policy: controls digestability
    high: not digestable    (for health and safety alerts, etc)
    normal: digestable

4. privacy policy: visibility of archives, membership lists, news gateways
    public:             public           anyone          open
    normal:             private        list members
    private:            no archive     admin-only

Anyway, I'm thinking that list styles aren't naturally heirarchical, but 
rather that certain policies of each list (like its membership, its 
visibility, its openness) could usefully have styles applied.

While some of these policy styles may imply others, I don't think that's 
normally the case. For example, an announce only list could have public 
archives but private membership list.

Ian Eiloart
Servers Team
Sussex University ITS

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