[Mailman3-dev] Mailman 3 features

Ian A B Eiloart iane at sussex.ac.uk
Mon Mar 15 05:59:45 EST 2004

I've said something like this in the wiki...

I'm postmaster for the University of Sussex. We use mailman for lists that 
are mostly for internal use, but some lists may have external users.

I'd like mailman to permit authentication with a username, against our ldap 
server. Ideally, it would then fetch a real name and email address from the 
ldap server.

At the same time, I'd like mailman to retain an internal user database. 
This would allow us to have lists which are open to external people, too.

On top of that, I'd like simple controls to allow posting from Sussex 
people, even when they aren't members of the list. And, I'd like to have 
some lists closed to external membership.

Of course, people authenticating against the ldap server would not need to 
confirm subscription requests through email verification.
Ian Eiloart
Servers Team
Sussex University ITS

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