[Mailman3-dev] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Debate about Mailman on BytesForAll

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Thu Aug 26 22:16:46 CEST 2004

(Redirecting to Mailman3 list)

On Thu, 2004-08-26 at 16:13, Kevin McCann wrote:

> Might not make sense? Or might make sense?  

Might make sense to switch from BerkeleyDB to SQLite as the default
embedded database for Mailman 3 (which BTW, I'm still happy to take
primary responsibility for).

> I have played with SQLite a 
> bit but not extensively, so I'm not aware of any major drawbacks. I do 
> recall at the sprint lunch that SQLite was suggested by that fellow who 
> was doing the email sprinting (can't remember his name, but he seemd to 
> be a sharp cookie). SQLite, if it's solid, is attractive to me because 
> it's built into PHP 5. Thinking down the road, it starts to look pretty 
> good.

The biggest question in my mind is how SQLite handles concurrency
issues.  I know that it has some support for concurrency, through
automatic locking and such, but I haven't looked into the details.  This
will be a requirement for MM3 because we'll have multiple processes
reading and writing to the database all the time (web requests,
qrunners, cron, command line, nntp, imap, etc., etc.).


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