[Mailman3-dev] list manager control

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Apr 19 11:14:19 EDT 2004

On Mon, 2004-04-19 at 11:01, Ian A B Eiloart wrote:

> > The idea that you might have a "privacy" sub-style and a "bounces"
> > sub-style.  Each would affect only a handful of list configuration
> > variables.  You'd like to be able to combine them into super-styles that
> > would affect the union of those variables.
> But what do you mean by "composability"?

The ability to compose a super-style, let's call it "Ian's-public-lists"
from partial, or sub-styles, such as "open-subscription-members-only"
privacy and "aggressive-bounce-disable" bounce style.


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