[Mailman3-dev] common tests for all backends(can I move'm to mailman/tests)?

Michael Kato mk2s at digitalcommute.com
Sat Apr 10 12:44:31 EDT 2004


   I know you've probably already thought of this, but would it be ok to 
move tests that are common across backends into mailman/tests?  I mean 
can I yank tests out of some of the test cases in berkeleydb/tests and 
place them into mailman/tests?  Such as those that are common to all 
backends like create_user etc.  I'm also considering making it so that 
test.py also takes a list of backends to test(any better ideas?)  
Ideally I'd like the common tests to be run once for each backend.

   For instance, on the Mac OS X, I'm having trouble testing berkleydb 
because python on the mac seems not to have bsddb support.  (I may look 
further into this...)

   But in any case, I think it would be nice to only test the backends 
and other things that are of interest when running test.py

PS, what do you think of collecting all of the backend implementations 
into on directory?

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