[Mailman-Users] Training Mailman to find email address from NDR

Grant Taylor gtaylor at tnetconsulting.net
Wed May 15 11:46:25 EDT 2019

On 5/15/19 7:45 AM, Andrew Hodgson wrote:
> Hi,


> Here is the bounce message, I know I can enable VERP and this problem 
> should go away, but I wanted to see if I could get this working without 
> VERP as we have a large mail traffic on the list. 

Did you redact anything significant from the bounce?

I don't see the expected boundary="66728b7fa14ce3ed" parameter to the 
Content-Type: header.

I'm also surprised that the Content-Type: is text/plain and not 

I don't know enough about Mailman's bounce processing to know if it will 
find and process the message/delivery-status or not.  I also question 
what Mailman would do with a temporary failure, 4.7.0.

It looks like Yahoo TempFailed the message because they don't like 
SendGrid for one reason or another.

I'm also somewhat surprised that SendGrid is returning the entire 
original message instead of just the headers.  IMHO that's a good way 
for a bounced message's content to get trapped by a spam filter.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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