[Mailman-Users] Digest members of one domain marked bouncing

Peter Shute pshute at nuw.org.au
Wed Aug 8 05:22:23 EDT 2018

We mostly have the Plain option ticked. Is that RFC 934? And unticked is Mime?

I can’t see an obvious pattern, but I several unticked that aren’t
marked bouncing. There are also some ticked that aren’t marked
bouncing, but I can tell if these have fixed the problem themselves
(if that’s possible), or have perhaps whitelisted us.

I’ll have a more thorough look, and if there’s a pattern, we can try
unticking them all.

I’ll try contacting bigpond, but as a non customer, I suspect I’ll be
ignored at best. In my own organisation, a young colleague wanted to
leave our new spam filter on the default setting to quarantine all
mailing list emails, which it called “suspicious newsletters”. He
thought our users would appreciate that. I suspect many tech support
people think the same way.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 8 Aug 2018, at 6:14 pm, Stephen J. Turnbull <turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:
> Peter Shute writes:
>> Have you been able to do anything about it? If we can't get their
>> server to believe it's not spam, we're going to have to take all
>> these people off digest, and some won't like it.
> There are two digest formats, MIME and RFC 934 (older and somewhat
> less robust, but still pretty usable).  If all of the affected users
> are on one, you could try switching to the other, possibly with some
> loss of functionality depending on the MUAs in use and the content of
> the messages.
> The only other reasonable thing I can suggest is to contact
> bigpond.com and ask them if you can get on a whitelist or if they're
> willing to tell you about digest formats that pass their spam checker.
> Usually the less competent the spam-checker, the less they're willing
> to tell you about what features of your mail stream are triggering the
> checker, but you might get lucky.
> Steve

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