[Mailman-Users] list sponsorships

Chip Davis chip at aresti.com
Mon May 15 18:29:15 EDT 2017

As Matt pointed out to me off-list, a lot of FOSS is provided for a 

I live about five miles from Red Hat, and teach Linux for a living. 
Perhaps I should have been more specific that "I have a 
philosophical/ethical problem with MY charging for simply providing a 
FOSS service."

While I would love to monetize the time I put into adminning the 
lists, it would be a pain to fairly calculate (or keep track of) it, 
so I consider it a mitzvah.



On 5/15/2017 5:17 PM, Richard Shetron wrote:
> What I've always done is offered special pricing, usually at least 50%
> off for charitable 503(c) and other 'public service' type groups.  It
> more depended on the resources they required and the amount of hand
> holding.
> On 5/15/17 3:13 PM, Chip Davis wrote:
>> All of the Mailman lists I host/admin are provided free of charge,
>> as a value-add to the members of various non-profit groups.  Insofar
>> as the actual costs of providing a discussion or announcement list
>> are hard to tease out, the best I could do would be to apportion the
>> total costs of the servers they are on across all the other services
>> I get. The income would be nice to offset my expenses but
>> administering it would be nearly as great as that of adminning the
>> lists themselves. So I treat it as my contribution to good causes.
>> Also, I have a philosophical/ethical problem with charging for
>> simply providing a FOSS service.  I know it's allowed but still...
> [snip]
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