[Mailman-Users] Correcting the URLs in mailman's automated emails

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Wed Jul 12 13:20:26 EDT 2017

On 07/12/2017 09:58 AM, Richard wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Jul 2017, Richard wrote:
>> My scenario is simple enough; the mail server that runs mailman is on
>> an internal, private network behind a firewall and has no direct
>> external access. Mail gets through via a firewall / gateway machine,
>> and web access to the web interface is done via "pipermail" interface
>> through the web server. It all works except that the automated emails
>> sent for things like bounces, initial welcome, password reminders and
>> things like that ALWAYS have the internal system name for the URLs
>> instead of the external one.

I don't understand what you mean by 'access to the web interface is done
via "pipermail" interface'.

Can you give an example with actual URLs and maybe web server config

> OF COURSE, I've found section 4.29 of the FAQ (which can be found here:
> https://wiki.list.org/DOC/4.29%20Where%20can%20I%20change%20a%20list%20or%20the%20default%20URL%20used%20for%20the%20web%20interface%3F
> )
> ...The problem is I don't understand it. In particular:
> "and some more add_virtualhost(URL_FQDN, EMAIL_FQDN) if you are using
> virtual hosts."
> Am I supposed to just add in all my virtual hosts here like this, and,
> if so, how on earth is the correct one distinguished per list?

I'm a bit confused here too. That said, suppose you have two external
web domains, web_domain1 with list1 at email_domain1 and web_domain2 with
list2 at email_domain2. Of course you could have more domains and more
lists per domain, but in this simple case you would put in mm_cfg.py

add_virtualhost(web_domain1, email_domain1)
add_virtualhost(web_domain2, email_domain2)

(it's OK if different web domains have the same email domain.)

Then to associate web_domain1 with list1, you run

bin/withlist -r fix_url list1 -u web_domain1

and similarly for other lists.

See also the FAQ at <https://wiki.list.org/x/4030616>.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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