[Mailman-Users] externally stored attachments and bin/arch

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Fri Apr 21 01:07:45 EDT 2017

On 04/20/2017 09:53 PM, giannis karageorgiou via Mailman-Users wrote:
> I am managing some lists where all attachments are scrubbed and
> stored externally 
> (i.e the mailbox-format file contains only references).

So you have scrub_nondigest = Yes or are you doing this some other way?

> yesterday I appended an older archive from the previous hosting
> system to a current mailbox, run arch (with purge opt)

I.e. bin/arch --wipe ?

> and noticed 
> that the attachments subdir in the pipermail dir was erased, so
> all external files were lost! Is this the normal behavior? is there
> a way to save the non-mailbox-stored files elsewhere to avoid
> loosing them?

What Mailman version is this? in all Mailman versions 2.1.6+, if the
list's scrub_nondigest = Yes, when bin/arch --wipe is run, the
attachments directory is saved as

> moreover, now that I looked into it, I got the impression that
> older attachments are also purged from the other lists too. 
> Is it  really so (possibly as side effect of the monthly 
> pipermail re-indexing) ?

Nothing in Mailman does this automatically.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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