[Mailman-Users] virtual domain confusion

David Benfell benfell at parts-unknown.org
Thu Mar 26 01:42:41 CET 2015

Quoting Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>:

> On 03/24/2015 11:24 PM, David Benfell wrote:
>> Unfortunately, there appear to be some
>> boobytraps with Postfix's virtual_alias_maps that are forcing me to set
>> this aside for now. My existing set-up hadn't been using them; trying to
>> introduce them created some temporary failures and probably lost some
>> (but not all) mail. There's simply way too much I don't understand with
>> postfix.
> You may also need to add the domain to Postfix's virtual_alias_domains

It appears that for my purposes, I don't need to mess with virtual  
aliases at all.

As near as I can tell mailman is perfectly happy to accept the  
alternative domain name in the general configuration screen and will  
send emails out using that domain. And of course the alias  
declarations are not domain specific (unless one wanders into virtual  
alias domains). That's *really* all I needed.


David Benfell <benfell at parts-unknown.org>
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