[Mailman-Users] Some pages are only partially translated - most still show part of page in English

Michael Lake Mike.Lake at uts.edu.au
Thu Jun 4 04:03:28 CEST 2015


On 06/04/2015 06:16 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> On 06/03/2015 03:26 AM, Michael Lake wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Thanks Mark for your reply. I realise its all done by volunteers. Sorry I can't help on translations as I only know English, C, Fortran etc :-)
>> Im confused though as according to the link below many languages are fully translated. But if I select what ever language its always the same section that remains untranslated e.g.  I get "You may enter a privacy password below. etc ... " in English. Surely that phrase has been translated. If I pick Japanese which has been nearly fully translated I still get in the Subscribing section most of the text in English. Just the button label is translated.
>> https://translations.launchpad.net/mailman/2.1/+pots/mailman
> First of all, the page you refer to was part of a project that was
> started by a woman who subsequently had health issues and ultimately
> died. What is there is based on message catalogs imported from Mailman
> at some point and probably never updated since. There have been many
> Mailman updates since then that affect translations, and some
> translations have been partially or completely updated since following
> guidelines/procedures at <http://wiki.list.org/DEV/i18nhowto>. None of
> this is reflected at the translations.launchpad.net site.
Thanks, now I understand.

> Furthermore, the phrase "You may enter a privacy password below. etc ...
> " is not in a string in the message catalog. It is in the listinfo.html
> template. Every one of the 38 partially or fully supported translations
> contains this translated template and none of them appear to contain
> that phrase in English.
> I suspect the issue in your case is that the templates for the various
> translations are not installed on your server, so Mailman falls back to
> the English template (the button labels are dynamic and do come from the
> message catalog, but the bulk of the page comes from the template).
> Does your Mailman installation have 39 'lc' subdirectories in (I think
> in Debian) /usr/lib/mailman/templates/ or does it just have
> /usr/lib/mailman/templates/en/.
Just en under /var/lib/mailman/templates/
No lc dirs.

> Also, how about /usr/lib/mailman/messages/ (there normally is not an
> 'en' here)?
Lots of language directories from ar to zh under /var/lib/mailman/messages/
No en directory.

> If I'm not mistaken, the Debian Mailman install process requires you to
> specify the languages you want to support at install time. Try
> dpkg-reconfigure mailman
Just did that and I selected all the langs that I wanted to support and 
it installed an additional few dozen languages. I had misunderstood that 
that initial setting was the languages you wanted *supported*  and the 
next question after that is the default language that you required.

Now selecting other languages show the whole page (except for the list 
description of course) fully translated :-)

So doing the "dpkg-reconfigure mailman" solved my problem.
Very much appreciated. Now the overseas users won't have to read 
Australian all the time :-)

Thanks for your help Mark

Michael Lake

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