[Mailman-Users] Internet Message Format: Identification Fields

willi uebelherr willi.uebelherr at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 17:59:26 CEST 2014

Dear friends,

following the RFC 5322 all identification fields are optional. But they 
SHOULD have it. Of course, sometimes we need it.

RFC 5322: Internet Message Format

We have min 3 fields:

With that, we can create all ordering of mails based on a thread. I 
think, it would be never a problem to use a new (little changed) 
message-id, because if the listserver send the mail, he changed it. And 
consequently, he create a new message-id (but for himself and for 
tracking it can be a modification of the original message-id).

In the discussion on this list Mark and other people args, this would 
lead to a big confusion for the different mail clients. Is that true? I 
don't have the necessary oversight. But i think, you have it.

The easest way would be a configuratin point for the user to decide, 
that his sended mail get a new message-id, if the listserver changed it 
when he send the mail. And this he always do it.

many greetings, willi
Panama City

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