[Mailman-Users] Implicit Address rehash

Steve Campbell campbell at cnpapers.com
Mon Oct 31 20:04:11 CET 2011

I've set up a mail list with the name "Cn-dailydeals" that resides on a 
certain server. Our Interactive department has written a php script that 
sends an email to this list that continuously gets held due to the 
"implicit address" stuff.

Posts to the list back in December of 2007 suggested I could create an 
alias to get around the problem. I've tried every which way to create 
the regexp that will match this but am failing terribly.

The sender is getting the following back from the post:

Your mail to 'Cn-dailydeals' with the subject

     Gazette-Mail Daily Deal

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

     Message has implicit destination

Can someone suggest a proper regexp to match this, and do I need the
"@server" part in the alias?

I've tried using escapes and everyting, but nothing seems to work.

Thanks for any help

steve campbell

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