[Mailman-Users] locks

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Sat Sep 20 01:59:27 CEST 2008

kalin m wrote:

>both musiclist/config.pck and musiclist/config.pck.last look pretty much 
>the same but not like any 'normal' config.pck
>they have a bunch of lines like:
>                                                  <UserDesc 
>neo at hotmail.com () [odufat] [digest? no] [en]>),
>    'fb27c0e1ec56a5295f66992ba4463215b2291936': (   'S',
>                                                    <UserDesc 
>neo at hotmail.com () [naunka] [digest? no] [en]>),
>    'fb3bef120543c177653d5057e699f2294368a2cc': (   'S',
>                                                    <UserDesc 
>jane at mail.com () [rakono] [digest? no] [en]>),
>    'fb8efc7f43e9c068ca0cbc1e8c49f8e3227cdfaa': (   'S',
>                                                    <UserDesc 
>nick76 at mailbox.com () [nietfu] [digest? no] [en]>),
>    'fba45bf178def81da36ea77b5ef5e440f1fd2b7a': (   'S',
>i assume this makes them corrupt....

That is a pending.pck file with a bunch of pending subscription
requests waiting user confirmation.

So the question is how did config.pck get overwritten/replaced by

Perhaps we'll never know?

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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