[Mailman-Users] Mailman doesn't post messages anymore

Andre Tann atann at gmx.net
Mon Oct 27 11:14:15 CET 2008

Hello everyone,

there is a mailman problem on my machine which i cannot really 
locate. I can send a mail to one of the lists. The mail is 
delivered to mailman. But then as I see in the postfix logs, the 
mail never returns back to the postfix system.

Instead, mailman produces errors like these:

# cat /var/lib/mailman/logs/post | tail -1
Oct 27 11:03:33 2008 (5104) post to testliste from mail at xxx, 
size=2150, message-id=<200810270909.31448 at inter>, 4 failures

The list "testliste" has 4 recipients, that's why the 4 failures, I 

In the smtp-failure-log I see things like this:

# cat /var/lib/mailman/logs/smtp-failure
Oct 26 21:03:02 2008 (5104) delivery to <one-adress> failed with 
code -1: please run connect() first
Oct 26 21:03:02 2008 (5104) delivery to <another-adress> failed with 
code -1: (111, 'Connection refused')
Oct 26 21:03:02 2008 (5104) delivery to <again-another-adress> 
failed with code -1: please run connect() first

Can anybody tell me what's going on here? Where can I start my 

The postfix mail system seems to be working fine. Mail are going in 
and out, as usual.

Andre Tann

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