[Mailman-Users] Attachment URL in the archive is mangled.

Mark Dale mdale at geniusmoon.com.au
Wed Nov 19 22:05:42 CET 2008

> There have been many changes in Scrubber.py (the module which does
> this) since 2.1.5. I will look into it, but I don't know if I will be
> able to duplicate the problem.

For what it's worth Mark, I copied a Scrubber.py from a Version 2.19 on
the wild chance that it might do some good - but as was to be expected,
no magic occurred.

Here's hoping you do find a way to duplicate the problem. Upgrading this
installation would be like changing a flat tyre on a moving car.

>> If it is a Word.doc that gets attached, no URL appears at all in the
>> archive, not is there even a "scrubbed" message. Also, Word.doc files
>> don't even arrive with the email.

> Because these attachments are removed by content filtering before the
> message is archived and delivered.

Understood. Thanks.

Mark Dale

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