[Mailman-Users] question about moving list and archives

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Tue Jun 5 22:45:48 CEST 2007

Christopher Adams wrote:

>I have moved a list from another mailman installation. I moved the
>list files and the archives and then ran fix_url. Everything looks
>good except for the To: address in individual messages in the archive.
>It still has the old URL/mail address. Also, the link labeled 'More
>Info on this List...." still points to the old URL.
>So, what else do I need to do? Does the arch utility take care of
>this? It was my understanding that the arch utility was for rebuilding
>an archive after editing it or removing messages. Also, the
>documentation says something like this:
>/bin/arch mylist archives/private/mylist.mbox/mylist.mbox
>My lists don't have a mylist.mbox file in the mylist.mbox directory.
>Any advice would be helpful.

You don't have the mylist.mbox file, because you didn't move it from
the old installation. It was really the only archive file you needed
to move. Without it, you can't rebuild the archives, and rebuilding is
the way to fix the issues above.

If you can get the .mbox file, then simply running

bin/arch --wipe mylist

will recreate the HTML archive and will fix the 'More Info on this
List....' links. However, it is a good idea to first check the .mbox
for unescaped From_ lines using bin/cleanarch.

Where are you seeing the To: address in individual messages in the
archive? Normally the HTML archive contains no message headers. If you
are seeing this in quotes of prior posts, the only way to change that
is to edit the .mbox prior to running bin/arch.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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