[Mailman-Users] us-ascii problem with new install in Ubuntu(SOLVED)

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Wed Jan 10 18:48:30 CET 2007

Mark Sapiro wrote:
>It seems that the basic issue is that the Mailman installation in some
>Ubuntu distributions is missing the pythonlib/ directory containing
>the appropriate Python email library. This is intentional on Ubuntu's
>part. It is a 'bug fix'.

Some additional information:

This is mailman 2.1.8-2ubuntu2.

The reference to the 'bug fix' is at
in which is found

  * Make sure we don't ship /var/lib/mailman/pythonlib, should make that
    go away on installations which already have it (closes: #242740).

(I couldn't find a description of #242740).

The above change seems to have been made some time ago, so perhaps the
issue is caused by some more recent change to the Ubuntu Python email

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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