[Mailman-Users] Is it possible to have subscribers in msg_footer?

Eduardo Ellery eellery at rapix.com.br
Fri Dec 7 20:01:21 CET 2007

Hi Everyone,


I searched a l ot but none found about listing in msg_footer list


We run a few lists with less than 20 subscribers and everyone need to know
who is on the list.




Eduardo Ellery
Coordenador de Redes
Rapix Tecnologia e Internet  <http://www.rapix.com.br/> www.rapix.com.br
TV Show Brasil SA  <http://www.tvshowbrasil.com.br/> www.tvshowbrasil.com.br
Liberty Global, Inc Companies  <http://www.lgi.com/> www.lgi.com


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