[Mailman-Users] Broken pickle

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Thu Dec 6 04:35:31 CET 2007

Grigory Batalov wrote:
>On Tue, 4 Dec 2007 17:06:36 -0800, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>> >  Also, as you can see, I have no IncomingRunner:1:6 and it fails to start
>> >  every time I try to:
>> >
>> >$ sudo -u mailman /usr/bin/python /usr/share/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=IncomingRunner:1:6
>> Note that the documentation states that the number of slices must be a
>> power of two.
>  Which documentation?
># BAW: Although not enforced, the # of slices must be a power of 2

That's the one I was referring to.

>$ /usr/share/mailman/bin/qrunner --help
>    -r runner[:slice:range]
>    --runner=runner[:slice:range]
>        Run the named qrunner, which must be one of the strings returned by
>        the -l option.  Optional slice:range if given, is used to assign
>        multiple qrunner processes to a queue.  range is the total number of
>        qrunners for this queue while slice is the number of this qrunner from
>        [0..range).
>        If using the slice:range form, you better make sure that each qrunner
>        for the queue is given the same range value.  If slice:runner is not
>        given, then 1:1 is used.
>        Multiple -r options may be given, in which case each qrunner will run
>        once in round-robin fashion.  The special runner `All' is shorthand
>        for a qrunner for each listed by the -l option.
>  If power of 2 is important, it should be noted in qrunner's help too.
>  (Also "then 1:1 is used" is wrong, usually 0:1 is used.)
>> I don't think it really matters, and I'm sure it isn't
>> anything to do with the corrupt pickle, but that's what it says.

As I said, I don't think it is important. I just mentioned it in the first
place because I'd never seen a non-power of two number of slices used before.

As far as the default being 1:1, if you look in the code, that actually is the
default, and it doesn't matter because if the range is 1, the slice number is

I agree that it's inconsistent, but I don't think it's worth breaking all the
translations to change it.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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