[Mailman-Users] (no subject)

Larry Stone lstone19 at stonejongleux.com
Sat Sep 30 05:08:17 CEST 2006

On 9/29/06 6:12 PM, Robert Scott at laserdoc at pacificnet.net wrote:

> How do I use this App on my Mac G4 with OS X?

The FAQ <http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py> will lead you to
instructions on how to do that, except...

> My incoming mail has been down for 24 hours.

Mailman won't help you a bit with that problem. Mailman is a mailing list
server, not a mail server. And how are you going to read this reply if you
have no incoming mail?

> I also have .Mac

Completely irrelevant. Why don't you tell us what problem you are trying to

Larry Stone
lstone19 at stonejongleux.com

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