[Mailman-Users] welcome messsage and help message formatting

Paul Navarre pnavarre at netinteraction.com
Mon May 29 19:51:22 CEST 2006

I am running 2.1.8.

I have a client with Outlook 2002. They do not receive the welcome message
and help message in plain text, and this makes the messages look funny.

Can anybody help me understand why these messages are not in plain text for
them? I assume it is something to do with their version of Outlook doing
something strange. If there is anyway around this problem I would really
like to hear about it. It would seem a small issue to me but they are really
getting irritated about it.

Also, can someone explain the funny logic behind how hard returns work?
Apparently you need a space before before a hard return for it to be
recognized. Why? Why doesn't it just work like any plain text renderer?


Paul Navarre

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